"Amongst The Madness"
75 Ark 75013

Amongst The Madness (feat. Soulson)
Break The Mould Remix (feat. Grap Luva)
File Under Truth (feat. Penuntimate)
We Originate
Step Below The Surface (feat. Soulson)
My Way (feat. Ken Boogaloo)
Thinking Man's Session (feat. Grap Luva)
We Got (feat. Red Cloud & MC Ty)
Buck Foolish (feat. Ken Boogaloo)
Clarity (feat. Soulson)
Shine On (feat. Soulson)
Sex, Lies and Videotape (feat. Asheru of Unspoken Heard)
Mental Alchemy (feat. Red Cloud)
Turn It Up A LIttle
Emergency Broadcast System (feat. Penultimate & Velcro)
Revitalise (feat. Soulson)
Simple and Plain (feat. Soulson) (CD Bonus Track)